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Astro Blog: May 23, 2024. Full "Flower" Moon in Sagittarius and Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus: exceptional cosmic synchronicities

Writer's picture: Inner SunInner Sun

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

By Inner Sun -


Beautiful Souls,


In a nutshell

Two significant astrological events that are deeply interconnected, are happening at the exact same time:

  • the "Flower Moon": Full Moon in Sagittarius

  • the meeting of the 2 most "benevolent" planets of the solar system, Venus and Jupiter, in one of Venus' home signs: the beautiful zodiac sign of Taurus.

Meanwhile, those 2 events are very accurately connected to, respectively, Pluto in Aquarius, and to Neptune in Pisces. It is an extraordinary, exceptional synchronicity, that all of those alignments occur so accurately on the same day.

This Full Moon of Air and Fire is ruled by the Venus-Jupiter conjunction of Earth and Water. All of the astrological elements combine for a deep, beautiful mix of energies, which will support us to dig into:

  • Bringing those little wishes and dreams that are usually set aside, into a much wider, broader, and more meaningful perspective

  • Envisioning the practical path to put all of those into action

  • Integrating those actions and goals into our active individual roles in the birthing of the new Humanity: conscious, connected, solidary, compassionate, open-minded, free

This kind of zodiacal synchronicity can be the moment when life-changing shifts happen (might seem small or coincidental or crazy in the moment, but wait for the unfolding).



May 23, 2024. Full "Flower" Moon in Sagittarius. Broaden your vision and quest for meaning and connection

The Flower Moon activates the Gemini-Sagittarius opposition, which could be described, among other things, as the zodiacal axis of knowledge, exploration, and experience.

While The Gemini season (May 20 to June 20) carries the "butterfly" energy of hopping around from one thing to the other and gathering information, experience or connections, for the sole pleasure of satisfying our curiosity, the Sagittarius Moon brings in an urge for meaning, purpose, and for a broader view. We might want to open up our horizons and see our Life Path as a quest, a meaningful one, that keeps evolving as we integrate new truths and realities. We were delightfully thinking of a cooking class? Why not consider a full curriculum, and maybe a pleasurable side job? Need a break? Why just a few days, let's travel the world for a bit! Let's see bigger, wider, bolder, and include purpose and meaning to those wishes we have left dry, and we know, deep down, are so fulfilling. The Gemini Butterfly (Sun) becomes a Sagittarius Eagle (Moon).

This Full Moon is connected to Pluto, the planet of deep transformation, power, and intensity, which is starting its 20-year journey in Aquarius, shaping a generation that might very well revolutionise the way our societies support each individual, and break down those disbalances and dysfunctions that make humanity so deeply unequal, disconnected from one another, and uncompassionate as a whole.

What does it mean for each one of us? Well, while taking a wider, bolder look at our little wishes and routines, the purpose we seek to involve in there could be Aquarian: humanitarian, equalitarian, solidary, technological, turned towards the future, and, why not, revolutionary. What is our individual role in bringing to life the New World Order of compassion, understanding and connection?

Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius. Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini. Therefore, this Full Moon is placed under the very strong influence of the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. Let's take a look at those energies.

May 23, 2024. Venus meets Jupiter in Taurus. Big, big, big abundance and manifestation energy

Venus is the ruler of beautiful, sensual, lush, fertile, but also productive, resilient, grounded, and practical Taurus. Taurus is the sign of material manifestation, and, if you take a look a little deeper, it is also the zodiac expression of Beingness and of the capacity to control the energetic flows that underly the manifested world: Taurus envisions matter, space and time in practical and beautiful ways, and patiently starts manifesting that envisioned reality. Taurus also feels the real underlying nature of abundance and money.

Venus and Jupiter are the most "benevolent" planets in the zodiac system: Venus of beauty, abundance and sensuality is the ruling planet of Taurus, Jupiter of abundance (again), faith and luck rules Sagittarius. Meanwhile, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction accurately sextiles Neptune in Pisces, bringing a strong idealistic and universal love influence. So how do those influence our Full Moon?

Remember those wide, bold, purposeful visions that the Sagittarius Full Moon will facilitate? Well, the Venus-Jupiter conjunctions might bring very practical ways to get there, and maybe a couple of synchronicities ... serendipities ... miracles, however you call those :) Meanwhile, dreamy, idealistic, compassionate Neptune brings our loving heart in the mix and helps us connect to visions from the beyond. The Venus-Jupiter-Neptune tryptic is maybe the most "positive", heart-opening, joyful and euphoric possible mix in the Zodiac. It might even be a little excessive for some of us, but the strong Taurus influence should keep us grounded. 

And aside from the quest for dreams and meaning, it is also a great day for Venus / Taurus stuff, you know: self-care, sensuality, meditation, nature (water strongly advised, Neptune in Pisces being at the party), etc. (see our Taurus New Moon post for more recommendations of Venusian things to do)

Ideas for a Ritual (ideally the night from May 22 to 23, while the Moon is still waxing)

Purpose and abundance might be the 2 best keywords for the beautiful Flower Moon. So our suggestions would be, for example:

  • Vision board (go big !) and reflecting on the big steps and resources considered to reach those crazy horizons. Take pleasure in doing that, make it an artwork, a colorful, fun storyboard for the next years of your Life

  • Be in water (lake, Ocean, bathtub, even a swimming pool will do)


Connect Muladhara (Root/Earth), Anahata (the Heart) and Ajna (the Third Eye chakra):

  • Venus and Jupiter in Taurus activate the Root

  • Neptune in Pisces is mostly Heart energy

  • The Moon In Sagittarius and Neptune in Aquarius are placements of vision and seeking a higher or better Order, Third eye is very activated.



Bring in Earth, Fire, Air and Water:

  • Red / dark red stones for grounding (use lighter reds): red jasper, carnelian, red adventurine, etc.

  • Light energy and heart stones for loving connection: turquoise, opal, rose quartz, amethyst, etc.

  • Fire stones for vision and opening horizons: tiger eye, citrine, etc.

  • Deep green stones for the Neptune in Aquarius energy: malachite, amazonite, etc.


Essential oils

  • To stay grounded while opening the heart and third eye: ylang-ylang, patchouli, or more gentle: cedarwood, rose

  • If you are well grounded but need heart opening: jasmine, geranium

  • If you want to focus on mind-opening and purpose: ginger, lemon, grapefruit, peppermint, clary sage


Journaling / Meditation prompts

Vision board, mind map, diagram, plan :

  • What smaller dreams have I left aside for too long, that might fulfill me? How do I make them bigger? (dare to be bold: "I always wanted to learn tango" becomes "I live one year in Buenos Aires")

  • How do I contribute to the evolution of Humanity towards an Order taht is more loving, compassionate, understanding, equalitarian and solidary, connected, harmonious (with itself and Nature), forgiving, etc.

  • How do the 2 points above interconnect?

  • What can I do today to start my new path?


Go deeper

Check out in your natal chart which house this Full Moon falls into, as well as the Jupiter-Venus conjunction. You can find deeper insights about the fields of experience and life this new lunar cycle can be about.


We wish you a beautiful Full Moon.


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